Hi all. Been a good long while since I posted in any forum but I've hit a snag and I was wondering if there was a solution. I'm modeling in max 2014 and baking in Xnormal solely using ray distance values (not using a baking cage).
My issue is that for whatever reason, when I bake with a mesh comprised of quads, I get a number of faces that display what looks like a shading error across them (looks like an X shaped shadow across an individual quad face). If, however, I export as an FBX with triangulation the errors basically disappear. I have tried using Turn to Poly and setting the size limit to 4 to force the mesh to maintain quads even if I toggle the FBX exporter to hold on to edge orientation and it still has bake errors.
Normally I'd just triangulate it but if I want to go back and edit the mesh or have it rigged I assume triangulating it will break vert order.....so I would prefer to keep it quads if possible. It's just easier to work with as an editable poly mesh quite frankly. Any ideas? I've used this workflow for a good long while and never seen this before.
I assume in max triangulation can be applied in a non-destructive way via a modifier, which should save you having to duplicate your mesh, trianguate it, then export it. You can possibly also enable triangulation on export — but I don't use max so I can't be certain.
Edit Quads. Display Tris.