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Where should one put custom calibration scripts?

polycounter lvl 7
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Borx25 polycounter lvl 7
I made a custom calibration script (jsx), placed it in "C:\Program Files\Quixel SUITE 2.0\script\presets\Workflow\Games", by its side i placed the export profile (xml) with the same name. 
But there's also "C:\Program Files\Quixel SUITE 2.0\script\presets\Project" that apparently holds similar xmls as the export profiles, should i place the same xml in both places, or there should be a difference between the xmls on both locations?

Also, i initially tried placing the jsx and xml in "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Quixel SUITE\presets\Workflow\Custom" but it crashed everytime when trying to export, same script in the program files location above works fine. I've noticed there's no "project" folder in "appdata\...\presets", maybe this is why it crashes, should i create a project folder and place there the same xml?

I'd prefer to have my custom presets on appdata together with custom smart materials and such so any help is appreciated.
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