It seems anywhere I have "thin" triangles or polygons and my model is "softened" I'm getting this weird distortion. Is this of concern? Can I fix it somehow? I searched for two hours last night and found nothing on this -- seems like it would be common. Thanks!
Notice the left and right sides of the screen.
You can definitely improve the topology using only/mostly quads.
I always see little triangles like these in other people's work, but when I do it, it comes out bleh.
In your model, have you hardened/softened your edges?
Same topology, just the one on the right has edited vertex normals.
Well I use the migNormalTools script. For this example I select all the planar faces, harden the normal and then with the same faces selected I use the fillet outside option in the migNormalTools script.
Save the script to your scripts folder and add the line migNormalTools; to your userSetup.mel mel file in the same directory or create one if it doesn't exist. This will create a menu called Normal Tools.