bringing this up to your attention in case you're into writing and/or voice acting. And apparently, based on Japanese gameplay vids on youtube, Japan version also use the English voice acting (with subs). I thought that's interesting. I thought their ingame cutscene npc lips dont move was because of localization factors but maybe it's more of a design decision (i.e., rendered cutscene mouth animations yes but in-game cutscene npc dialogue no).
BTS of voice actors for DS 1 I think (you can auto translate Japanese CC into English in player settings):
Actors show up :51 mark.
Double checking the credits list of the first two DS I saw that they contracted the lore (it seems to me), narrative scripting, and voice casting and acting duties to this British-Japanese company frognation (they also did From's Bloodborne). So it makes sense to me now how they're hitting the right notes as far as combinining genre narrative and Japan style combat game. It's a cool combination.
Re: lip syncing, I'd expect devs now to at least use a procedural lip syncing tool that provides lip syncing driven by audio files. But not having mouth animations in Dark Souls actually adds to the horror or dark elements to its narrative.
Opening cinematic begins 1:25, Second video, NPC encounters with dialogue at 4:51 and 6:05 (no mouth anims)