Hi , I am studying in 3D modeling and i'm currently doing my final project. I tried incorporating Quixel and Unreal 4 in my workflow and i stumbled on some problems with glass and its transparency. I want to texture a lantern i modeled in 3ds Max which has 3 little windows/glass and a candle inside. Problem is that i cant figure out how to make the glasses actually transparent so we are able to see the candle inside the lantern. I tried using the glass smart materials and adding an opacity map in quixel but its not working. Could someone enlighten me on the process of creating such a material which will be visible and has the desire effect in Unreal Engine 4. Here is the lantern.

Thank you
You'll need to click on the mesh in 3DO and define its transparency type. One of the three transparency types should work for you - except for cut-out, which is only for 1-bit alpha. When you export your project to UE4 (or UE4 (RMA Packed) you'll get your opacity map kicked out with it, which you can add directly into your Unreal shader.
I was about to get IT to install 2.1.5. I see there is also a 2.1.5_Patch available. Do I need to install both?
For now, the best option is to install 2.1.4 - the 2.1.5 patch is not available yet.