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[Zbrush issue] Error has been encountered while trying to load a tool

polycounter lvl 5
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DanaosC polycounter lvl 5
Hello guys, I am kinda freakng out right here as hours of work are hanging by a thread so I hope you could lend me your knowledge.

I am getting an error everytime i opening my .zpr file in Zbrush, "error has been encountered while trying to load a tool" and then "error has been encountered while trying to load the file", here are the screenshots:

Admittedly I must have been saving wrong, in the sense that I was saving .ztl files with the undo history instead of just ztools resulting in huge files (not sure if that's the issue), it's at 1.6GB right now (yikes).

I'll be careful in the future for sure but can something happen right now to recover the file? I was working just fine with the project till my last save and restart of the program.

Some info, I am using Zbrush 4R7 x64 and my specs are:
Windows 8.1 64-bit.
16 GB ram.
Intel Core i7-4710HQ @ 2.50GHz
GeForce GTX 850M

Feel free to ask me for anything else.
I really hope something can be done or else it's pretty bad.


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    This is not good. .Ztools are the 'last line of defence' I exclusively save .ztools as they are practically invincible and I've never had a file fail(since ZB 1.52)

    Have a read through this thread - particularly HiTekJeff's responses.


  • DanaosC
    Offline / Send Message
    DanaosC polycounter lvl 5
    This is not good. .Ztools are the 'last line of defence' I exclusively save .ztools as they are practically invincible and I've never had a file fail(since ZB 1.52)

    Have a read through this thread - particularly HiTekJeff's responses.


    Yuuup, I know realized the hard way that i need to be saving my stuff as ztools and not zprojects. 

    I did read everything I could find before posting, that post was no exception. OP seems to have an issue as he saved with different version and OS but mine's a slightly different case, tl;dr the file got corrupted.
    It says that I coud wait for a higher version of Zbrush to get released and try to load it there? Welp.

    Thanks for your comment Dan~
  • asag
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    asag polycounter lvl 2
    I have the same problem
  • apllana
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    apllana polycounter lvl 8
    Had the same problem recently, all I had to do was skip loading the undo history. 
  • Burpee
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    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Yup, too big file and history usually cause that, sorry for you, never find a way to get my stuff back :( 
  • DanaosC
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    DanaosC polycounter lvl 5
    Oh boy that's an old thread alright. Ultimately I did lose my work but it was a great leason that I should only save in Ztools instead of Zprojects. Save lots of versions as you go and godspeed!
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Saving ZPR files seems to go well till the file reaches 5GB, then the file will refuse to open. So far saving incremental ZTL files works best. I use ZBrush for modelling and texturing so I don't need the  extra bells and whistles so much. Having a simple ZPR setup, with the preferred canvas size,  colour scheme and a simple sphere I can use to import my current ZTL works just fine at the moment.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    kanga said:
    Saving ZPR files seems to go well till the file reaches 5GB, then the file will refuse to open. So far saving incremental ZTL files works best. I use ZBrush for modelling and texturing so I don't need the  extra bells and whistles so much. Having a simple ZPR setup, with the preferred canvas size,  colour scheme and a simple sphere I can use to import my current ZTL works just fine at the moment.
    Yes, this is exactly what I do. But I also use Joe Drust ZStartup plugin.
  • chubbyball
    I know how to fix it, I was having the same problem and then fixed. The problem you are having because you are trying to import new materials. But actually, you can not just import materilas from the zbrush program ( open zbrush> materials>load). you need to import the materials to the drive(C:\PROGRAM FILE(X86)\PIXOLOGIC\ZBRUSH\ZBRUSH 4R7/ZMATERILAS..) , once you imported, you need to restart zbrush and go to materials and load it again, when you load it, it will automatically go to the located file and you can see your new materials (the one you just imported) GOOD LUCK!!!
  • trooperr1
    I know this thread is a bit old but someone might still find this helpful. I had the same error keep appearing trying to install new brushes.
    Ok, so after some elaborate searching I finally stumbled across the solution. Very easy fix.
    The file or the folder that the brushes (not necessarily brushes, could be any Zbrush file types) are in, are set to READ ONLY. right click, properties and deselect it, apply. Worked instantly.
  • DanaosC
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    DanaosC polycounter lvl 5
    trooperr1 said:
    I know this thread is a bit old but someone might still find this helpful. I had the same error keep appearing trying to install new brushes.
    Ok, so after some elaborate searching I finally stumbled across the solution. Very easy fix.
    The file or the folder that the brushes (not necessarily brushes, could be any Zbrush file types) are in, are set to READ ONLY. right click, properties and deselect it, apply. Worked instantly.
    Huh, interesting find man. Next time (please not) get this error, I'll def try that and pass along the knowledge :) Have a good day man!
  • Erwin0265
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    Erwin0265 polycounter lvl 7
    I know how to fix it, I was having the same problem and then fixed. The problem you are having because you are trying to import new materials. But actually, you can not just import materilas from the zbrush program ( open zbrush> materials>load). you need to import the materials to the drive(C:\PROGRAM FILE(X86)\PIXOLOGIC\ZBRUSH\ZBRUSH 4R7/ZMATERILAS..) , once you imported, you need to restart zbrush and go to materials and load it again, when you load it, it will automatically go to the located file and you can see your new materials (the one you just imported) GOOD LUCK!!!
    And this thread just keeps on giving... I had a similar issue but only with the brushes. Sure enough, they were set to read only. Unchecked the "read only" box , restarted ZBrush 2018 and all's good with the world again.
    1.Right click on the folder [Program Files > Pixologic > ZBrush 2018 (for me; yours may be different),
    2.Click on Properties (right down at the bottom of the list),
    3,At the bottom of the next dialogue box (ZBrushes Properties - remember, I had the problem with the brushes so that's the only folder that I touched) is a section called, "Attributes"; Uncheck the "Read-only box, OK,
    4.Restart ZBrush and it should all be good (fingers crossed).
    Strangely enough, as I went through the same steps to write these instructions for those with a bit less computer savvy; the folder was set back to read only but it's still working.......... Good luck

  • g2mXagent
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    g2mXagent polycounter lvl 4
    Erwin0265 said:
    And this thread just keeps on giving... I had a similar issue but only with the brushes. Sure enough, they were set to read only. Unchecked the "read only" box , restarted ZBrush 2018 and all's good with the world again.
    thank you! this solved my problem. I just disabled the read-only property of the brush file without restarting zbrush.
  • Ringotaker
    trooperr1 said:
    I know this thread is a bit old but someone might still find this helpful. I had the same error keep appearing trying to install new brushes.
    Ok, so after some elaborate searching I finally stumbled across the solution. Very easy fix.
    The file or the folder that the brushes (not necessarily brushes, could be any Zbrush file types) are in, are set to READ ONLY. right click, properties and deselect it, apply. Worked instantly.
    I registered an account here just to thank you... Everything is working right now :D
  • kidhark
    I registered an account here just to thank you... Everything is working right now :D
    same here, literaly save me months of work. thanks so much
  • Wretchedbeaches
    And yet AGAIN. Years later this post has saved yet another lol. Many thanks to everyone who answered with their findings.
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