Hello , Everytime I use zbrush I have to reset all the UI , the brushes etc, is there a mini short tutorial that can guide me on how to make those changes permanent sothat I can quickly access the settings I wanted ?
Don't forget you can access your brushes by making shortcuts to the 1, 2, 3...9 keys 1) press "b" 2) Ctrl+alt + left mouse click a brush and press "1, 2, 3 up to 9 " to store your brush 3) save config regularly.
Make your changes:
Ctrl+shift+i to store config
Ctrl+shift+alt+i to save your UIconfig to file
Ctrl+alt drag buttons/icons to any blank space. They will snap into place. Don't forget to turn off enable customise when finished.
Ctrl+shift+i to store config
1) press "b"
2) Ctrl+alt + left mouse click a brush and press "1, 2, 3 up to 9 " to store your brush
3) save config regularly.