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Hi-Poly Modeling- Bell 412

hello guys
my name is mehran & I'm quiet new in this forum. I am a self-taught 3D modeler and this is my first serious work in Hi-Poly Modeling.
first of all I started the job with blocking out the object with simple shapes and during the progress I subdivide the object to smaller ones to add more detail to each of them.
the problems are:
1/ the small rectangular holes in curved shapes are very challenging because they need support loops to maintain the shape, but as result of inserting the edge loops the body smoothness will be affected
2/ support loops make the wireframe looks uneven I am trying to make the wireframe as even as possible
3/ As I have shown in picture No.7 even after reaching a reasonable subdivistion level and detach smaller parts, adding details and adding a turbosmooth on top of them, the edge of these parts won't match to each other
any comment would be appreciated
Note: Please Don't use youtube links because I can not see them

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