I'm modelling AR15 receiver and made those intersecting pipes which has obviously different edge flows compared to boxes or standard cylinders.
but I think there won't be any problem attaching pipe object to main (box based)object as long as I maintain
quads and curvatures.
http://i.imgur.com/1s3o4ro.jpg[/img]But just like the image, edge flow of this object is kind of.. chaotic and unpredictable.
I know I don't have to add anymore details in subobject mod, and subdivision result is fine.
But I'm really worried that this might be an issue since I have put so much time concerning quads and everything.
Can this model be counted as clean model? Is there any problem that could occur?
And finally, is it possible to make that intersecting pipe shapes' edge flow like box shapes'?
Don't lose any sleep over 100% quad-modeling unless you need specific topology for astetic reasons or deforming meshes.