So i ve set up a fore arm twist several different ways. The way I want is to use the wiring to wire the x rot of the hand into the twist bone via an expose transform node. but i keep getting an illegal reference.
(reference node a child of the forearm bone, expose the hand bone, wire exposed value to drive the twist bone, all these items are children of the forearm, i fail to see how this creates a dependancy loop)
I thought the issue / solution was that i needed an additional euler controller. And that seems to have fixed it cept it will occasionally pop up a illegal reference again. gotta un wire everything and hope i can wire it back up and work again
the alternative is the ik based twist with a look at constraint, but that method though simpler has some shake in it when rotating in the other axis's not to mention the gimbal lock that can occur and flip your whole wrist 180
The wiring is just so much cleaner, but Im nervous about it if I can depend on it
So i get this when i rotate the pinky finger, da fuq how can making a change on a child of the hand affect the tranform info of the hand
left hand works fine
further testing reveals just the immediate children,the finger tips dont break the reference