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question about match by name in substance painter

polycounter lvl 5
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ibbi polycounter lvl 5
hi, im having a brain fart right now so this is going to be a dumb question. i made a shoe consisting of 3 parts, the sole, the main body, and the tongue of the shoe, which are 3 different meshes. i made a high poly version with details to bake down onto the low poly, and i want all 3 low poly parts to use the same one uv map. however the only way i know to get them all on the same uv is to attach them together to create one object (this is in 3ds max btw), and by doing so i cant name each of the 3 pieces since they are 1 piece now which means im going to have to explode the mesh to avoid any baking errors. could someone help please  :s


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