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SP to Unreal Alpha issue

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Hey all,

Having issues reproducing the result I get in SP2 in UE4. I'm unable to get the clear plastic look i'm going for, instead it looks ghostly and black where it should be greyish, it's also not reflecting any light. I don't think I'm using the opacity properly. I've looked online but couldn't really find any direction except adding a reflection probe which I did but to no avail.

Also, I'm guessing it's the difference in shaders between SP and UE4 but the texture in UE4 is much more yellow than SP. Kicking my tires on trying to match it best as possible.



  • jalay
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    jalay polycounter lvl 7
    Try this : In translucency section check on screen space reflections and in options choose surface volume translucency. Make sure you have sphere reflection capture covering your mesh.
  • Cbonez888
    Thanks Jalay, that helped!! Appreciate it.

    Still having issues getting my texture color to match SP though. Way to bright and shiny in UE4. I have sRGB checked on for the diffuse and unchecked on everything else but I still get a drastic difference. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • jalay
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    jalay polycounter lvl 7
    What I would suggest is to place that transparent section of your mesh into another material id and assign translucent shader. Then in your base mesh id setup a opaque shader. This will separate out things for you neatly. This documentation can be useful for you.
  • Cbonez888
    That's the way I have it setup at the moment Jalay. I actually used that exact documentation to set it up. I have 2 different mats, 1 for the translucent lid and 1 (opaque) for the base mesh itself. I've triple checked to make sure the textures were set up correctly. Something odd is happening when I try and open the base mesh material though, the texture editor is blank. I've tried 16, 24, and 32bit targas as well as a .PNG and JPG to see if I can get it to show up in the viewport of the texture editor but to no avail. I'm using UE4 10.4. I've tried starting a new project an re exporting the texture from SP but it's still not showing up. I'm thinking the brightness and shininess is related to the texture editor issue/bug.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    First, uncheck SRGB on your diffuse. If you're working in Painter you should be authoring everything in linear space already. 

    Second: The apparent color of a surface has a very large amount to do with the lighting environment it is in. 
    Unless you are using the same exposure settings and environment map in UE4 that you are in SP, you're going to not have an exact match. 

    Third: Blank texture editor: You most likely have all channels displaying. Turn off the alpha display under the View dropdown. Yes even if you didn't specify an alpha.

    There certainly are some shader model differences between the two programs, but they can be minimized. Be sure that you have the PBR Metallic Roughness material set in painter's preview. Some of the painter materials are setup to work with multiple workflows, and can give unexpected results if you're working in one and exporting in another. 
  • Cbonez888
    I'm going to fiddle with some of the textures within UE4. I was working with PBR Metallic Roughness in SP. I'm going to try bringing in my textures to SD and exporting a .sbsr and use the Substance plug-in for UE to see if it makes a difference. It'll be annoying and time consuming to have to throw all my textures throw a series of fixes to get them to match. 

    **Even with sRGB unchecked it really doesn't make much of a difference.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    Found a thing the other day that helps shed light on this. 
    I had forgotten that UE4's texture samplers have a type to them in addition to the texture settings. 
    Be sure SRGB is off in all your textures. Go to the material editor and change the color sampler to "Linear color"  Do the same for the roughness etc texture. That should make an instant difference.
  • jalay
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    jalay polycounter lvl 7
    Just wanted to know that your textures from painter are exported correctly using UE4 preset. If yes and still doesn't solve, you don't mind sharing the models and texture. I will have a quick look and see what's causing it.
  • Cbonez888
    Thanks Jalay, I apprecaite it. 

    I tried Vailias option as well and it still doesn't seem to help the spec. It also washed out some of the other colors. Just trying to hammer down a proper workflow from SP -> UE. I appreciate your help. 
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