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Creating First Person Camera

polycounter lvl 7
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Sim3DArtist polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys am trying to recreate the First person template that comes with unreal but i don't want the guns,arms etc. I just want to control the camera around the scene as it would look from a human's perspective but i cant seem to connect the controlles  to the camera and i can't move.

I understand you can just delete the arms etc in the template version and use that as a base but i am trying to understand this better and would love some help. I have searched online for a few day for tutorials or articles but i have came across nothing.

Here is a screenshot of my blueprint and how it's set up in Unreal.

Thanks in advance 



  • ArtChar
    Offline / Send Message
    ArtChar null
    I would love to know if you did this successfully, At the moment I had a cleaned First person character controller (slowed it down, got rid of the mesh, got rid of the bullets), my problem is something is causing the movement to stop working (this happened after I messed with the sky sphear). 
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Just add a camera to the player bp. Its gonna use it automatically.

    "I have searched online for a few day for tutorials or articles but i have came across nothing."

    I have no idea how you didn't find anything. You could try typing setting up player from scratch  in Unreal. 

    By the way, you don't move the camera. You add movement movement input , that will move the capsule.
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