Home Quixel Megascans

Answered: 2 Questions

Hiya! I finally bought the Suite, and after using it for an hour or 2, I have 2 quick questions.

First: How the HECK do you set up grouping for Quixel Colors correctly? Im doing it as "assign each 'part' a Material ID, assign a quixel color to it. And do this for a few parts. Then after I've assigned 2 or more 'parts' colors, i have to use the 'attach' function in Max to make it all one object, then when its all one object I unwrap it. When its not all attached as one object, Colors just renders one object even though 2 or more things are selected (unwrapped and different Mat ID's and everything). Howwwwww  :sweat:

My second question is should your resolution your Mat ID map is match the resolution you work at, or does it matter? Will the tiling be different? Thanks :D


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