Hello Polycounters!
I'm starting up a new project this week inspired by concepts from the Last of Us. The visual style of the Last of Us has always appealed to me and I've wanted to do a project trying to mimic what they accomplished. The concepts I collected all hit key areas that I have been wanting to practice in my art including: using light to set a mood, weather and particle effects, modular buildings and plant models. The environment itself is not overly large or complex but I think it will be good practice for hitting areas I don't have much experience in and hopefully by the end I will have a broader knowledge as to how to go about it in future project. The project itself is being done for a college class so there are specific elements that I must use or include to complete the project but overall I'm using this as a way to practice personal goals and will hopefully continue the project past class deadlines and into Summer. With that being said, I'll be getting started and I look forward to seeing feedback and advice from the rest of Polycount.
These are the concepts I decided to base the project off of. The actual scale of the project will be based off of the top image while the rest support certain aspects that I want to incorporate into it. I will be starting off the project building out the environmental aspects including the buildings, ground, and small supporting props. Then once that is complete I will work on modeling a few vehicles to finish off the scene. Thank you in advance to anyone willing to drop some feedback. I'm going to get started on the blockout so I will see you soon.
I blocked in the scene with simple geometry to get a feel of positioning and the scale of major assets. Once the layout was setup I blocked in how I would like the design of the buildings in the foreground to look.
I feel like I'm making slow progress on this at the moment but progress none the less. I took the blockout of the buildings on the right and then turned them into modular pieces. From there I did a high poly edge definition and created a low and baked it out. Now that it's unwrapped and ready to go I'll be getting ready to texture them soon.