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Multiple subtools with uv and poly paint exprt

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darmar vertex
Hi all,

O have a hard surfaces model which has more than 30 subtools ( all of them have low res and high res on them) , also i have used uw master to unwrap them all.

Now i want to texture them with poly paint and export them as OBJ.

I need to send this file to a client for animation . How would you all do it?


  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    Will they all share a single texture sheet? I presume you're baking normal?
  • darmar
    Offline / Send Message
    darmar vertex
    i dont know how to tackle texturing
  • darmar
    Offline / Send Message
    darmar vertex
    how do i make normal maps easiest and put them on each subtool ? Also when i am exporting how do i tackle that? My head is spinning.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Talk about learning on the job, eh.... :)

    So you've taken on a paid project to deliver a 30-piece, fully textured and baked hard-surface asset, but you have no idea how to approach it at all?

    These are quite in-depth subjects and usually take a lot of time in which to become proficient. I would recommend following a decent workflow tutorial series, as what you're asking is a little out of the scope of a forum reply, as there are many things that you will need to know and understand in order to finish this asset.

    Did you read through any of the stickies here? There is tons of info on all aspects of the pipeline. You can bake your maps in Zbrush or google a free program called Xnormal.

    Are you using a main 3D app at all?(Max/Maya/Modo/etc) Can you show us a few images of what you've got so far?
  • darmar
    Offline / Send Message
    darmar vertex
    Okay this is where i got to with it.

    All subtools ( 40 have low - high res ) ... unwrapped them in Zbrush and than GOZ > MAYA

    Arranged all the uvw so it has the same.

    Multimaper baked normals but i get this problem, Why is this happening? How do i fix it?

    y this is
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    What do your UVs look like?
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