So I exported my model to 3ds max, then returned it to Zbrush and now no matter what I do, the subtool is off center. I tried to fix it with Transformation - Set Pivot point, but nothing changed. Any help would be appreciated.
You must have inadvertently moved the mesh off 0,0,0 somehow. I use GoZ multiple times daily(and before that manual export) and I've never had this happen.
Just click Deformation>Unify(Note:this will change the scale of your model to optimal ZB scale)
Or GoZ>0,0,0 in Max>GoZ
Also, the Set Pivot function is for temporarily assigning a local pivot to visible polygroups and is not to be confused with resetting your pivot in Max.
I wouldn't be surprised if the asymmetrical model (lacking one hand) is throwing off how zbrush interprets the center of the mesh. If there's no reason for the hand to be missing I would try and restore it. Otherwise, you could click on a vertex that you want to act as a center point, then create a temporary pivot using Transform: SetPvt
I assume it's an asymmetrical issue like @cryrid mentions. You could make a cube in max to roughly the bounds of your character, import that, and then append your character to that tool. You could use any symmetrical mesh, but something close to the bounds of your character will keep the Zbrush's unified space about the same.
Just click Deformation>Unify(Note:this will change the scale of your model to optimal ZB scale)
Or GoZ>0,0,0 in Max>GoZ
Also, the Set Pivot function is for temporarily assigning a local pivot to visible polygroups and is not to be confused with resetting your pivot in Max.
Late Edit:
This is basically what is happening.
I assume it's an asymmetrical issue like @cryrid mentions. You could make a cube in max to roughly the bounds of your character, import that, and then append your character to that tool. You could use any symmetrical mesh, but something close to the bounds of your character will keep the Zbrush's unified space about the same.