hey guys! since that long long break i finaly found some time besides my job to get back into concepting.
ive come a long way since i started here about 3 years ago. i guess its time for me to jump back to the
forum and share my latest stuff with u. feedback and critique is honestly welcome!

u are welcome to contact me:
- if u want to create a set with me from scratch
- if u want to work on one of my free concepts
- if u need someone for doing texture and /or masks

next is a pugna demon/scarecrow concept i have been working on the past month and just finished it yesterday. will probably be able to post some wips for that. going to do the set as collabo again with hunterkiller.
mostlikly going to pick hook2c and offhand1b
and the pudge (as far as we got it until now)
@edit Since we got the pudgeset up now i also want to share it here. Collabo was done with vayne. props!
More details and wips can be found on my artstation profile. Greetings!
now working on a wr set with trixx, some WIP shots of what we got so far:
bow is already finished, head slot is currently in highpolystage beeing retopoed now
and we are still working on shoulder, back and quiver concept.
artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/05bwy
workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=828493038