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Portfolio Suggestions

polycounter lvl 6
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sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
I am a 3d artist from India presently working for social games.
My potforlio link is here: https://www.artstation.com/artist/sagiarts

What I want to know what I need change/ add / remove to land up in some international studio.
I am basically a character artist but I also do take interest in making props and vehicles.
Please suggest. 


  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    Your work is pretty good, I am no character artist but my suggestion is to choose something you are passionate about.

    Do you love a certain game or film? Make that protagonist at a AAA character artist level (not saying you have not).

    So for example, perhaps you like the Alien film, make a xenomorph. Look up AAA professional artists that have created that character and match or exceed their quality. Artstation and Sketchfab are perfect for this.

  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    I 'd say your dwarf character is your best work now and pretty much the only one completely relevant to game character art.
    You could revisit the wonder woman with a low(er) polycount and re-texture her, for instance the gold parts seem very underworked. Perhaps do the same with the Hyperbot head and I'm not sure about the likeness head, the likeness looks nice but with the current lighting setup I can't see any texture work other than albedo.
    Other than that remove the illustrations 3d&2d and probably the weapon and chair as well.
    If you don't want to revisit old projects or when you are done with that do what @3dReaper pretty much said, and generally try to work from good concept art, so the faults in it are minimum and don't get amplified through your model.
    Hope this helps, cheers!
  • sagiarts
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    sagiarts polycounter lvl 6
    Awesome suggestions 3dreaper and Firth.
    That really really helps.
    Probably I am not removing the old arts until I get some new ones and abviously the much better one done.
    But the points you guys have mentioned are bulls eye.
    More people please drop me suggestions and ideas so that I can do better with my portfolio.
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