I'm a professional rigger in the industry atm - working in AAA games. Looking for some fun rigs to do in my spare time to boost my skills. Work will be free and I'll make no profit off it - but I must be able to share/showcase the model online. I have a very good animator (also in the industry) handy too so we'll hopefully be able to make the asset shine.
I'd love to take someone else's work who wants to showcase it well - or if someone can perhaps link me to affordable models. Looking for high quality assets with good topology with the ability to maybe modify it or work back and forth with the artist if it needs some modifications.
I'm looking for characters only really, though an environment might be cool too. Would like some really fun, exaggerated stuff or interesting monsters/creatures. I've done a lot of humans so unless they got something unique I'd rather do something else.

If I'm able to - I'd also love to release it online for free for animators to play with. But I'd have to see about that one with work. 0:)
You can PM me if you want to know more.
(I hope this is in the right place!)
Question for the mods, any chance of those threads getting merged in the future?
We can't merge threads, but we do list both of those threads on the wiki along with a few other resources