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Female Archer Sculpt WIP

polycounter lvl 7
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Dayl polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys,

I just started sculpting this character. Spent 2 days on her so far, one making base meshes last week and one sculpting today. Still in very early stages, and I'm taking my sweet time because I'm still not very comfortable in Zbrush. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to catch any mistakes before I go further.

Eventually the plan is for her to look like this. Still a long way to go. I think the hair will be the hardest part for me, as I don't have much experience with it.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my work!


  • Catzcratch
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    Catzcratch polycounter lvl 6
    so the thing i noticed right off the bat is that her arms are way too thin and that her shoulder armor piece is not matching
    otherwise i would do some small proportions adjustments

    liking the concept BTW . looking forward to see more progress on this
  • Chiffy
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    Chiffy polycounter lvl 7
    Looking good so far, like the concept. To add to what Catzcratch said, I would say the breasts are a little flat compared to the concept. Keep going!
  • Dayl
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    Dayl polycounter lvl 7
    Cool, thanks guys! Catzcratch, could you possibly be a little more specific about the proportions adjustments?
  • Catzcratch
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    Catzcratch polycounter lvl 6
    nothing major really .
    i think areas like head and thighs could use with a little more width
    maybe because of difference in POV

  • Dayl
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    Dayl polycounter lvl 7
    Ok. I changed her shoulder armour to match the concept. I think I made the top piece a bit bigger in the process so I might have to change that back. I also enlarged her arms and breasts a bit, and added some of the buckles and stuff that were missing. And finally I decided to shorten her calves a bit, because when I measured her she was at 8 heads tall, which I think is a bit much. So now she's closer to 7.5 and I think I think it's an improvement. I think you're right about her thighs, Catzcratch, I'll do that too. As for the head I think it's just her missing hair. Added some other perspectives. I'm not fond of the sideview, but all of my reference has women standing in this pose, which to me looks unbalanced, but that might  just be because I'm a guy and our centers of gravity are different? Anyways, let me know what you think!
  • Dayl
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    Dayl polycounter lvl 7
    Did some more work on her today. Added some sculpted hair so she matches the concept better, but I eventually want to do alpha channel hair which is quite daunting because I've never really done it successfully before. I'm pretty happy with it now though, so I think I'm going to start detailing, which is also daunting lol. Oh and I'm not really sure what to do with her shoes. I was kind of lazy in the concept...any suggestions?

  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    You could work a bit more on her forms, her arms/legs are looking pretty straight and don't have much of a flow, check this!
    Other than that her neck looks a bit too muscular/wide compared to her overall leanness and the arms are a bit shorter/smaller than normal.

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