I'm currently working on an AK-47 from Finland, I've modelled it and exported it to NDO, there I made my Normal adjustments and everything went fine. Then I import my model in DDO, place in my Color ID map + the normals I just made in NDO. Everything seems to be loading just fine, but when I hold 'C' to use my Color ID's as a mask, the whole ID is all over the place and not properly aligned. The other 3 parts are fine (a side from some minor problems, but that is my own fault).
I've have double checked if I used the right model, the right Color ID map. Re-exported my model and made from that same model a new Color ID map. But it keeps coming back in this weird way. Really annoying.
I'm using the newest version of Quixel, so I don't know if there is a bug or something like that in the software. Also, I'm very new to Quixel, so it could just be that the problem is my own fault.
Here is a screenshot of how it looks;
http://puu.sh/nZc7n/150ff8d814.jpgIf you need anything else, let me know!
Could I perhaps see an image of your UVs overlaid on your color IDs? Let's check the easy stuff first before we move on to other potentials.
Good news is: The problem wasn't Quixel.
Bad news is: I'm a total *sshat, because of a bad folder structure I lost track where I placed the right Color ID map. So I just had the wrong one in place all along.
Sorry for bothering you with these stupid questions.
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