at the moment i learn a lot about hard surface and im working with trim and clip brush.
I want to cut some parts away with clip. I have reference pictures.
How can i change the shadowed side, when i am in the SHIFT+CTRL Mode? I want to change the shadowed side to the other side, because if not, he cuts the wrong part away :-/
You can also invert the direction by holding ALT along with the other keys if you decide you want to clip the other side while laying down your stroke with CTRL+SHIFT (seems to not work with Trim brush for some reason).
Furthermore, you can always mask the parts of your mesh you don't want to be affected beforehand.
But there is another question i have.
I don't know on which situation i should use "Slice Curve" or "Clip Brush" to delete things. Im thinking about that now for 8-10 hours. I want to learn now hard surface. Sometimes Clip works and sometimes the Slice Curve is better.
Maybe you have an idea?
Could it be that you are referring to the trim brush? Because trim does exactly what I just described while clipping only moves all polygons on the other side towards the curve (no topology is changed).
Hence, clipping is useful for flattening surfaces and subdivided meshes while trim can be used for bigger topology changes (it also cannot be applied with symmetry and creates lots of triangles).