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Need help and advice on lighting and composition

polycounter lvl 3
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global99 polycounter lvl 3
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting a topic. Here are 2 environment concepts i came up with, but i feel there's something missing or odd with the lighting and composition. Any advice on how to improve on these 2?


  • Greg DAlessandro
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    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11

    You should add brighter highlights on the focal point, If you don't want too much contrast, I feel adding a subtle highlight will help.

    For the first image you should blur the highlight on the ridge on the cliff as it is too uniformly crisp f(upclose can be crisp like that, but atmospheric perspective should blur it a bit. (which will add more depth to the image) But yeah, add brighter highlights in some areas and it will pop out more, and should feel more natural. Also right now it feels like there are 2 major focal points and 1minor one: (the close up object on the right, and the triangular structure, and the minor one would be the human and obelisk object. I would choose one and make that the focal point, (right now, to me, the triangular structure feels the strongest. If you decide to make that the focus then I would blur the object to the right a bit as the harsh line grabs your attention)

    But yeah I would make whatever the focal point is to subtlely have the most detail and have everything else bring your eye towards it via less detail , sight lines, contrast, etc)

    Maybe tilt the obelisk object next to the human figure to the right a bit more.

    Also maybe add a bit more detail on the two planets/moons (it doesn't have to have a ton of detail, but right now it feels a bit lacking)

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