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Answered: Can't load geometry - new user

I picked up the Suite a little while ago but just now got the time to dive in and am having some issues. 

Quixel wanted to download and install an update right when I started, so I let it finish that task.
At first, Quixel kept popping open the Load Mesh requester whenever I hit any button in the DDO interface. I'd load a mesh, then it'd prompt me to load a mesh when hitting anything else, even the 'Create' button. I tried all sorts of meshes; triangulated and not, OBJ and FBX, it made no difference. I saw in another thread that someone managed to fix their load issues by reinstalling the Suite so I tried that and it seemed to work.

Now though, I can load a mesh and it seems to continue after hitting the 'Create' button, but things hang when baking the initial set of maps. The Photoshop window blurs and a new window opens up (I assume this is NDO?). This window stays blank and the process hangs up, occasionally crashing. I left the process running overnight just to see if it was just taking longer than I wanted to wait, but after 7 hours overnight it hadn't made any progress. 

So, I can't really do anything with Quixel. I know this probably isn't typical since a lot of others here are actually doing things but I can't get very far at all. Anyone have any suggestions?

For reference, I'm using Windows 8.1, the latest update of Photoshop CC and a GeForce 980 Ti. 

Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Headcrash!

    What kind of file format are you kicking out to dDo? Some formats require settings to be within certain tolerances to work correctly. If you'd like to, feel free to send over your mesh and maps to jonathan @ quixel . se and I'll take a look at it for you to see if I can replicate this on my end. :smile: Sorry about the trouble, I'll get you up and running if I can!
  • Headcrash
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the quick reply. I've tried OBJ files exported from ZBrush and OBJ and FBX 2013 from Modo. I typically work with fairly high resolution models so ideally I'd like to work with this sort of thing, but to test I did try to load up a simple model with a few hundred polygons. Everything I tried had the same result. I'm certain that something is misconfigured on my end.

    I'm at work right now so I can't send over the models I was using, but I'll send you something once I get home. Thanks!
  • Headcrash
    Offline / Send Message
    Okay, I've tried reinstalling both Quixel and Photoshop, updated my video drivers and DDO is back to the behavior of looping back to the 'Load Mesh' file requester. I've sent the model file along to you Synaesthesia, but I feel it has more to do with my installation than the model data. 

    Hope you can determine what's going on. Thanks!
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