Hello guys,
Is it possible to use the normalmap baked with substance painter directly for use in cryengine without having trouble with seams? The only way i've found to get my normalmaps to work is using the Nomaps converter right now, but it would save me alot of time if i could bake it directly with substance painter instead.
Even Xnormal would be a good solution, but those normalmaps always show up with seams aswel unles if i run them through 'Nomaps'.
I still get seams using NoMaps, on a simple cube mesh but it's not on the UV island area, any idea what it might be or how to fix this? I added this cube to the SandboxInteraction.cry map.
Do you use a cage when baking? I suppose you do since your edges seem to be quite smooth, other than that i really wouldn't know what else you could do to improve your bakes.
For NoMaps, I bring in a object space normal from Modo, and a height map from Substance Painter, combine the 2, convert to tangent space it does work. However it would nicer to output a compatible tangent basis directly from SP.
When i have made a model with several dozen UV islands this gets a bit too tedious.