Hi guys !
First, if i'm not at good place, i'm sorry

. Moderator, help me finding the good way

I spent my entire week-end to read the AMAZING PBR bible compiled by
3PY0N and looking around for some examples. Finally i decided to give myself a try...
My knowledge about PBR are still a little bit weak so i decided to ask you your tips, critics etc

I try here, the specular workflow. Here is the test and the textures !
Hope learning a lot from you guys. Thank you by advance

It's a good start, keep it up!
There are two main PBR workflows, Metalness Workflow and Specular Workflow.
Metalness is more often used.
When using the metalness workflow, a specular texture is not used.
The textures used are the following:
Ambient Occlusion
If you are creating a material that has ZERO metal in it, the texture for Metalness would be 100% black. The detail for this material would be in the Albedo and Roughness. The roughness texture would determine all the major detail, specifically what is and is not rough and what is and is not glossy/shiny.