I know there are tree main solutions for external references in 3dsmax: XRef Files, XRef Scenes and Containers. Using Containers was buggy a few years and probably still is? XRef Scenes are not really suited for character design. So only XRef Objects remain.
But XRef Objects seem to suddenly (randomly) move in the scene. The transforms gets changed or reset? This mainly happens after saving and reopening the containing 3dsmax file. This is even worse when I try to add them to groups or Linkt them to objects. They than move/translate to s seemingly randomly location.
The transforms need to be merged before you save the scene, or they will randomly move pos when you open after.
Service pack 3 does fix it maybe this is the problem?
Or try this below....
Does anyone know how to change the Tracks setting in Maxscript?
I think only on a "fresh" import, but i didn't check. What i would recommend is just filter for only controllers and then merge them. SHouldn't take too long, I'm doing that the same way from time to time.
Warning potato image incoming.