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Rabid Locust Unit - Character Lopoly

polycounter lvl 7
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mdridhwanborha polycounter lvl 7

More Images at my artstation link here >> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KEdox

Link to the Ascend game project >>http://www.indiedb.com/games/ascend1

Government Enforcer - Rabid Locust Unit - Character Game Lopoly. A crazy ass parkour soldier that dont give a 'f' on gravity and rebel retaliation.

Helping out the Ascend Team in creating one of their Government Enforcer character codename Rabid Locust for the game.

This lopoly plus the textures were completed in early of February 2016 but I decided not to upload them yet because I was planning to finish up the bone rig for the character. After long stall and free breathing moment from day job at studio, I decided to finish up the bone rig this weekend and with new knowledge from Unreal Engine 4. All the shader works and lightings in Unreal Engine 4 are friggin awesome. Likin it. Next 3D lopoly works will be presented in Unreal Engine 4 instead of Marmoset, Substance Painter and Quixel 2 viewer.

Please visit the link to check out their progress for the Ascend game.


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