Hi everyone,
I've been out of the personal work game for a while, I've spent the last 4 years making ships for Total War; however, I just recently married and moved across the pond to Morristown NJ, where the new scenery has inspired me to create a project in summary of my first month here, and to begin rebuilding my portfolio a bit for job hunting. It started as just the car so it's fairly early at the moment, but I've a feeling it'll be a long one so I thought I'd start a progress thread.
The general idea is the kind of suburban but heavily forested road that's pretty common around here, so a few houses around but spaced out. I'm going to add a more beat up vehicle to play the offender, perhaps something big like a Ram or F-350, and have some gratuitous blue and reds flashing. Also been getting heavily into Substance Designer over the past year at work, so this should be a good opportunity to texture the whole environment with it and get some portfolio goodness. First thing I'll do is greybox the rest of the environment though I think.
Here's a couple of shots from Unreal (hopefully these links work), any suggestions or critique welcome!

Car seems to be missing an interior. You could smoke the glass if you don't want to spend the time to make it.
Bloom is hurting my eyes. Feels like I just left the optometrist, with those eye drops that dilate the pupils.
Awesome project, looking forward to your progress.