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DC800 Extended Scale 8-String Guitar [WIP]

polycounter lvl 4
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Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
Edit 4-28: Got the rest done. I ended up doing the amp in Painter and was happy with the results. Hope you all like it!

Hi all,

I'm modeling my Carvin guitar for my next project. Apparently it's a different name now... anyhoo I intend on also making my amp and a cable as well. All will be game-ready and textured! Have the high poly done after I did a quick block out. Critiques and comments are very welcomed.

here are some photos. Sorry for the quality, they're from my cell phone.


  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Working on this a bit more as of late. I've been using Quixel Suite 2 and having some issues so it was really slowing down the texturing process, but I'm liking it so far. I noticed I was getting some weird artifacts, like spots and stepping on the texture. I think it may be a bit-depth issue, not exactly sure. Learning lots tho! Let me know what you think of the texture job.

  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    Loving it and the DC800 in general.

    Would you mind talking about your process for the Guitar body (and the neck...since itÄs neckthrough so it must be one piece?) and especially the pockets for the Pick Ups, since your's doesn't use frames but are sunk straight into the body, would just like to know how you got em in there and how your unsmoothed looked like (so how many "points" does the curve of the body have?). That would be awesome.
  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Hi anchang-style,

    Thanks for the kind words!

    And great question. So you're correct, the body, neck/fretboard, and headstock are all one mesh. The inset for the pick ups are baked into the normals, but the though-holes for the strings and battery compartment are obviously cut into the mesh. I used the Proboolean operation in 3DS Max to cut the pick ups (and battery pack/string-holes) into the high poly guitar body then cleaned it up from there. Let me know if that makes sense to you! I'd be happy to answer any more questions if you want.

    So the following images are the single mesh body of the guitar. Hope that paints a better picture of how I approached it.

  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    Ofcourse! ProBoolean, for some reason i always stayed away from them due to their tendency to mess up meshes, but i didn't realise, you could actually use them with high poly meshes....maybe i should pick up my guitar project again some day. Thanks a lot :)
  • Vincent3d
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    Vincent3d polycounter lvl 2
    Love it! And also love Carvin guitars!They really play well! good job,good texturing too :)
  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    @Anchang-Style: Yeah they can be difficult to work with at times. When you use ProBoolean, make sure to scroll down to the Advanced Options, in the modifier tab for ProBoolean, and go down to Planar Edge Removal. Then click "No Edge Removal" I've heard you also use "Remove Only Invisible" but I don't really know what the difference is to be honest. But after you use the ProBoolean operation, it still will add extra verts where the cut happened, so be on the lookout for those rogue verts! Good luck with your project! :D

    @Vincent3D Thanks for the kind words! Yeah I love my guitar it was well worth the money. I wish I could get an amp from them since I guess they're more known for their sound systems.
  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Got some more time to work on the Crate amp. Here is the high poly mesh done, and some ref images. Kinda unsure how I will handle the grid pattern on the front of the amp.. I have a tiling alpha that I put in Ndo and it looks okay, but it's not exactly the same. Probably will work on that some more once I unwrap the low poly.

    Note that I am pretty much entirely basing my mesh off of my amp like 2 feet next to me. I noticed some very slight differences in the reference images compared to the amp I have.

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