So I've been having a problem with this model and I'm wondering if its even salvageable:
I go into the UV texture editor and unfold and such, a lot of this
sticks where it appeared at first, including after making entirely new
maps, I have no idea whats going on with this texturing freakshow, lol.
also thanks for using my unwrapchecker, there is a newer version online tho
The steps I know (from new UV map) is to:
1. Project the entire object to create the UVs
2. Break the object apart as needed by splitting UV edges
3. Project each individually one at a time (going from step 3 to the end for each)
4. Split any cylindrical pieces as necessary
5. Unfold/Relax Pieces as you see fit
The problem comes in before the UV map is even formed, and persists after any process I use to correct it.
show us the uv sheet, this is most likely an issue with broken uvs, looks like something that was generated on a primitive you worked from there and as there is no on the fly autounwrapping stuff is broken.
So i would suggest you do a tutorial about unwrapping.