Hello , what's you favorite technique to make snowy rocks ? I mean how you paint the snow vertically in the cracks and fenditures a rock may have and paint over the top of rocks?
If the client is not against it for some reason, I'd definitely go with a material based solution, because its simpler than painting, it can give better result, and because then its dynamic, and it allows you to rotate the rock and still have the snow on the top of it.
If you bake a world space/object space normal map, you can use the green channel as a mask input. It can be used to isolate upward facing surfaces, which would naturally accumulate snow.
thanks for all answers, I am interested in painting directly on the rock , not using a shader etc, so a normal map green channel is the only solution ? I was thinking that may be Zbrush had some sort of tool for that ?
The same reason I could turn the question on how can I paint grass only in vertical spots of a rock or the like?
now that I think , my rock can be rotated in many directions , so how can I chose each time a direction ? May be in 3dsmax is there a way to apply a shader and bake that as snow?
The same reason I could turn the question on how can I paint grass only in vertical spots of a rock or the like?