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How do I stop light from effecting a single asset??

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mrgilbert159 vertex

It should be a pretty regular problem but there are no tutorials on how to do this.

A common problem would be a lamp shade. How do you simulate light coming through the lamp shade without having it cast the shadow of sed Lamp shade.  An example is of this is my hanging lamp. I have a point light inside to simulate the bulb light, allowing a concentration of light to hit the floor and sealing. But the light being partially transparent it should allow light to travel though. I then create a secondary light also inside the lamp. But the only way to allow light to travel though the lamp is to un-tick 'cast shadows'. This also resulting in no shadows to to cast from the ceiling beams.

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In short, to resolve this I would only need to stop the lamp being effected by the secondary light. But how can I do this????



  • mrgilbert159
    Also If there are any other discussion on this, or any tutorials on how to solve this please send them this way :)

  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    I haven't tried this myself, but in the recent release of 4.11 they have added "Lighting channels" like they used to have in UDK.
    • "We now have support for 3 lighting channels. You can set which channels a PrimitiveComponent or a LightComponent is in."
    I haven't found any specific documentation but this is what you are looking for, I think.
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Would it work, if you just disable shadows on the lamp itself? If you got into the mesh properties, under the category lighting, you can disable shadows there. If you still want the shadow you can see on the top, you could detach the lamps shade and only disable the shadows on that.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    4.11 came with lighting channels so now you can stop certain objects get affected my certain lights.
  • mrgilbert159
    McGreed said:
    Would it work, if you just disable shadows on the lamp itself? If you got into the mesh properties, under the category lighting, you can disable shadows there. If you still want the shadow you can see on the top, you could detach the lamps shade and only disable the shadows on that.
    Not really, as I do want the light to cast some shadow as it's not fully transparent. 
  • mrgilbert159

    Obscura said:
    4.11 came with lighting channels so now you can stop certain objects get affected my certain lights.
    Ye I was told that in the new update that there will be channels. I just don't know what people was doing without light channels... Thanks
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