I am at a lost here, I am texturing a floor medallion using a 45 degree slice that is duplicated around its pivot to create the medallion. The issue is the normal map, each slice shades differently. I need it to shade all the same, after combining all the slices and welding vertices, soften/harden edges.
Any ideas how to fix this? It has something to do with vertex normals and the normal map. Attached is a screenshot showing the pie with different shadings and the UV's. I used a simple normal map (plain 128 128 255, nothing else) to show whats going on.
Is it a maya setting or render issue? If I use an object space normal that fixes the shading because it ignores vertex normals but I need to use tangent space normals for this game model. Thank you!
You could just use 'Average Normals' and lower the grouping threshold until it blends correctly, but your normals look really, really bent so it may not work.
Assuming he grabbed the entire object and hit "average normals" this is what he would get. He could grab the top and average them out, but if they are out of wack the average would not be good. He needs to reset them to the face and then go from there.
I tried building the medallion as a whole first, locked normals, cut up the pie, duplicated, I still have the same issue.
I tried averaging normals, it helped a little but its still very noticable.
As you can see in this screen, all my normals are pointed up. I have no ideas why its not working.