What do you mean by reverse foot lock? Cat uses an animated-able pivot system on the foot platform control.(hit F3 as it's hard to see) By default it's positioned in the centre. From the motion tab go into sub-object mode and move it to the heel. That way you can use the foot platform to rotate the foot up on the heel, and the foot bone to rotate from the ball of the foot.
What do you mean by reverse foot lock? Cat uses an animated-able pivot system on the foot platform control.(hit F3 as it's hard to see) By default it's positioned in the centre. From the motion tab go into sub-object mode and move it to the heel. That way you can use the foot platform to rotate the foot up on the heel, and the foot bone to rotate from the ball of the foot.
Once again, thank you for your help. It's so hard to find an instructional video that goes over these important concepts. Adjusting the pivot was brilliant.
I had one more problem if you don't mind? When I check "use up node" on the knees to control the knee look at, it messes up the cat motion layer for walking/running. Is there a way to fix that?
Yes, Cat is a bit unconventional alright. You really have to dig to find valuable info. If you unlink the knee vectors from the pelvis bone that should fix your issue.
Yes, Cat is a bit unconventional alright. You really have to dig to find valuable info. If you unlink the knee vectors from the pelvis bone that should fix your issue.
I selected the knee vectors and clicked "unlink" which removed their connection to the pelvis. I then created a cat motion layer and went into animation mode. During the walk animation, the foot rotates during the walk in an odd way. When I turn off "use up node" the problem goes away.
Odd. The problem can be recreated by just making a cat rig using base human, turn on use up node for both knees, make a cat motion layer and play the walking animation. The feet rotate in a weird way.
Delete the catmotion layer and in setup mode select both knee vectors and the pelvis bone and click unlink. the knee vectors will jump position. Select them and move them back out in front of the rig at knee height. Reapply your catmotion layer and it will be working correctly.
Delete the catmotion layer and in setup mode select both knee vectors and the pelvis bone and click unlink. the knee vectors will jump position. Select them and move them back out in front of the rig at knee height. Reapply your catmotion layer and it will be working correctly.
The problem can be recreated by just making a cat rig using base human, turn on use up node for both knees, make a cat motion layer and play the walking animation. The feet rotate in a weird way.