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Trying to understand overtime hours in the industry

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I am just getting into  3D. I am really interest to work in movies and games, just i am not sure which one to go. Just now, i am practicing hard surface modeling. I am posting this thread, just to get  to know you guys and to understand the industry. What i mean with this is.... how do you guys work so many hours at work? I read so many topics about working, more than 10 hours every day, for weeks even months. The day someone doesn't  work, is that when the project is over. Do i need to move to other studio or country or continent  when the project is done? Is full time job is not even possible in movie industry or in gaming?

When or if i  get to work in this industry, do i need to stay every day late at night? What if i leave... let's say after 8pm home, does my employer will yell at me or fire me?? 


  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Pretty much everything Dustinbrown said is spot-on. There are definitely more family oriented studios out there that have a stable 9-6 (10-7) work-day. If overtime is expected or needed at a job, I would make sure you are being compensated in one way or another.

    Also, I'd recommend listening to "Which Studio Is Right For You?

  • Eric Chadwick
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Working late because you "enjoy" it is pretty sad and sets a terrible tone for a professional studio environment and should not be done as ultimately it distorts the market and harms everyone in the longer term. It's also mostly juniors that do it because they feel it's some kind of badge of honour or believe it will progress their career (which it doesn't). I've found there is more bad vibes from working late than not for those reasons.
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 17
    It's really hard to say because our projects are deadline-centric. Most of the time (from my experience) it's not the studio's intention to have us work overtime, but if things need to be done, they need to be done. We just have to make that happen. And if the team does not share this same goal, the studio cannot survive.

    Having a good management team who tracks all timing and making realistic prediction is a god send in this regard.

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Is paid overtime (and I mean paid with actual money and ideally penalty rates) a more common thing nowadays? I remember back in the day you might have your dinner paid for by the company and a taxi home if you were especially lucky.
  • Panupat
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    Panupat polycounter lvl 17
    I'm actually for the first time in my life working in a studio that pays OT if we need to work weekends. Maybe it's getting better.
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    good management should ensure that no overtime is necessary, however issues/problems arise during development that are unforeseen and require extra work. that said, there are some places that work under the practice of blanket overtime for everyone at a certain stage of the project/ or plan for a percentage of overtime to be required. those are the types of places I avoid working at since I am only happy to do overtime when I actually think it needs to be done (and I am the best person to say whether I need to do it or not).

    In a rare case working at a place that uses blanket overtime, I have been punished (taken into a meeting room and talked to, received a bad annual review)/highlighted to the rest of the team (emails breaking down everyone's overtime hours, which deliberately causes tension in the team) because I have not done 'enough' overtime Despite being on schedule with my tasks.

    as has been said above a lot of people like to brag about how much overtime they have done on a project, however it should really be the opposite attitude.
  • RyanB
    Panupat said:
    I'm actually for the first time in my life working in a studio that pays OT if we need to work weekends. Maybe it's getting better.
    Ten years ago it was generally horrible.  There's a lot more options now thanks to indie developers, directly and indirectly. 

  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I'm weird I like OT.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    odow ,you are still young and nuts , things can so easily change as you get older
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, agree with Ruz. I used to work crazy insane hours, partly because I loved what I was doing so much, but partly because I didn't know any better.

    Working long hours feels great at first. But there are many downsides, and they're scientifically proven.

    The 40-hour week was determined the optimal amount of work time through studies. Working long hours in one stretch is bad for physical and mental health.

    Skipping lunch is also fairly bad. 

    But besides the mental and physical toll, working long hours for someone else usually means you aren't paid for that time. They're making extra money off you, without giving it back in turn, directly to you. Promises of future reward don't mean a thing, and even if you get something it's usually worth a lot less than the amount of effort you actually put in, when compared to your normal salary in hourly terms. Unless you have an ownership stake, then it's different.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    They're making extra money off you, without giving it back in turn, directly to you. Promises of future reward don't mean a thing, and even if you get something it's usually worth a lot less than the amount of effort you actually put in, when compared to your normal salary in hourly terms.
    this. go home and work on personal stuff if you are a workaholic. i mean, why not profit yourself from all that extra energy?

    in my opinion, crunch and overtime are at best poor managment and bad planning from the ones with decision power, at worst a deliberate strategy to cheat you out of your deserved pay.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    this. go home and work on personal stuff if you are a workaholic. i mean, why not profit yourself from all that extra energy?
    +1. This will also help you have a very up to date portfolio when you are looking for your next job.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    As said above, go home and work on your own stuff instead. I did the same thing when I was younger,
    and it was the people that went home on schedule that was the weird one's, It's a bad spiral as you pressure other people to do the same
    and create a new standard for what is normal, leaders get used to this and what they would normally expect from a day at work will change with it.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I remember hearing about a local studio going into mandatory 80 hour work weeks, unpaid overtime, they ended up shipping their game six months later, it was a commercial failure and the studio shut down.

    Eventually your body can't cope with it and you realize you were destroying your body for no reason.  If you really want to get ahead in the game industry, you probably should become a producer.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    They compensate by putting more people to help on the project or with people like me who love to stay to work. In that case i'm not doing OT because i'm bad, i'm doing OT because i'm fast, good, workaholic and that way my coworker don't have to do force overtime and start feeling depress or sick.

    @Odow, while I understand that every studio works differently it seems pretty clear that this kind of approach can only make the issue worse. Not only does it  bend the expectations that your leads/producers will have on your coworkers, but it is also likely going to end up being a problem for you too.

    If you are regularly spending 10 hours on a task that was actually scheduled for 8 just for the sake of delivering early (or even just on time), then all your future tasks will end up being scheduled based on a distorted estimate - which in turn will cause more OT to be necessary. This kind of overtime is the "not so fun" kind, and leaves a much, much different taste in the mouth than the "enthusiastic" overtime done for the love of it.

    Also, I understand that you don't mean much harm by a statement like "[...] with people like me who love to stay to work" but it is actually quite condescending to your coworkers.

    Now I am taking these as an example, so don't take it as a personal attack or anything of the kind. It's just that I have witnessed similar situations first-hand in the past and nothing good came out of them - therefore I just cannot not react to it.

    When or if i  get to work in this industry, do i need to stay every day late at night? What if i leave... let's say after 8pm home, does my employer will yell at me or fire me?? 

    No, you don't have to stay late at night, and it is perfectly possible to have a successful and fulfilling career in this field without doing any overtime. All you have to do is to act like a professional, that is to say : giving clear and realistic estimates when asked how long a task would take. It is also very important to learn how to say no. For instance, is someones comes to you to ask you for "just a simple thing, you know, done real quick", answer by directing that person to your lead and/or producer which will then schedule it accordingly.

    Lastly : a regular work day doesn't mean going home at 8pm, but rather at 5ish / 6ish / 7ish pm. Big difference :)
  • Bletzkarn
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    Bletzkarn polycounter lvl 6
    If you get paid $20/hr... and you work 4 hours overtime I night... you're actually making $13/hr....

    Just gets to the point where you could be earning more money for doing some far easier.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    as for long working hours i remember some ex colleagues who complained about our contractual 37.5 hour work weeks in the UK. at their various previous studios (big name ones back then, too) they were used to ... 35 hours per week. which translates to friday afternoons spent in the pub. ;)

  • Bokchee
    Thank you guys for the great responses. I really like to work in this industry, but deadlines and crazy hours are scarring me.

  • bounchfx
    Great thread.

    I just want to chime in a little with my experiences. When I first started in the industry I busted ass a lot because of excitement but also because I enjoyed doing the work and wanted to 'get ahead'. However I definitely agree to heed the warnings other have mentioned in earlier posts. More specifically:

    - working more hours distorts management expectations as Pior said and that can lead to a cycle of increasing overtime and/or missing important deadlines.

    - work your core hours, get your shit done, then go home. You don't have to go home, I don't care, but stop working on work-stuff unless you have a very good reason to. I stayed at work after my tasks were done but worked on personal art instead (I just liked the office environment). I was able to grow my skills more working on specific things I wanted to learn than by simply doing more of my general work. This is actually quite nice because you're going to be improving at your work skills during work anyway, so your personal art time can be used to learn a new skill which can raise your overall value and capabilities. It's a far better investment of time than doing more work for your company if you're not getting actual OT pay for being there. Consider it!

    - and also as mentioned, odow, it won't be like that forever. you WILL want more personal time as you get older so just try to keep a balance, but use that energy you have now towards yourself or personal/side projects instead.

    I also want to bitch about how fucked it is that mismanagement cascades down and screws everyone, requiring more hours. Usually to salaried people who won't be getting any OT pay but have to stay and make up time for poor estimates from above. It's not universal, and sometimes it's the artist's fault for underestimating how much time they need (assuming they are consulted, which they should be).
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I think i really expressed myself badly T__T You guys all think i'm some kind of slave that work until midnight for free.

    @pior Mising the end of my sentence here >.<  "people like me who love to stay to work [to do overtime]" By that i didn't mean to be condescending at all, Au contraire, I really really love my coworkers! My life would be really sad without them, I meant that for some people it can be troublesome and tiresome, while for me at this moment it's not.

    My day end at 17h30. When i feel like i'm tired i go home at 4, i don't push myself, but most of the time I just keep working until the last "fast" bus to go home which is at 17h30. (even if i left at 4h i would ended up at home around 17h because of traffic, I just get at the office more early ) It's really really rare that i have to stay later than that. 

     I'm not a slave, I'm not killing myself at work, I have plenty time for personal life, I don't distort anything or break, I just work fast, enjoy working, so i do extra when we need to and i feel like it, so nobody get forced into it as the end of the sprint. I like being involved in my project more than " Do this assets and kthxbye" and for that I do extra hours. also i eat, it's just that during cold period i eat in front of the pc, while in summer i go outside with everyone ! I'm healthy and happy :P

     I Hope i'm more clear >.<

  • Melazee
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    Melazee polycounter lvl 12
    I think Flexitime is a great system that some studios are using now. You have core hours you have to be in (let's say 9 till 3). You can get in at 6:30AM if you wanted and leave at 3 (Or you could get in at 9am and leave at 5:30 (the extra half an hour here is assuming you have half an hour lunch break)), and you've completed your 8 hours shift. If you work over 8 hours, the extra hours will go into a Flexi pot, which you can then use to either cash out as overtime, use to leave early on another day, or if you save up enough hours, book off half days and full days.

    I love this system, it works really well for me and you don't feel tied down with it :) Perhaps a studio which uses Flexitime would be better for you too?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    flexitime is a pretty common thing (here), maybe not for you? anyway it has some pitfalls -

    - starting really early to be able to leave in the afternoon. yes, theoretically. but to your colleagues and especially management your effort may not be so visible. they *might* just see an empty desk at a time when everyone else is still in and busy. careful with that, use with moderation.

    - pool for overtime worked. at what ratio are these counted before you can cash them out? never saw it done 1:1. also you might not be allowed to carry them over for too long or take them out exactly when you'd like them. i've seen coworkers getting forced to take their accrued OT at times they weren't particularly happy with it or face losing their pool.

    lastly, flexitime doesn't solve the OT/crunch issue. but sure beats starting at 9:30 sharp after some really bad commute with all the other sheep just because somebody determined that to be the company wide start time.

  • Eric Chadwick
    I'm lucky. The team l'm with now doesn't care about logging 8 hrs. We trust each other to just get the work done, finish what we commit to at the start of each sprint.

    That's really liberating. Work from home when you need to. Arrive and leave when you need to.

    We end up putting in full time or more, just because we want our contributions to be the best they can be.

    But this kind of setup is rare though. Most of us have worked together before, so that's part of it I guess.
  • Melazee
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    Melazee polycounter lvl 12
    I've got a few friends in other studios who don't have the same system so I wasn't too sure how common it was. The first point is true, that's something I worry about sometimes, however your manager should be able to see your hours on the system if there is a concern about if you are doing your hours. But I do feel the dirty looks sting me as I leave after doing my hours because I'm one of the few who get up early enough to finish earlier haha. 

    The second point, I don't think I've seen people being forced to use their OT hours. For us at least, Flexi hours and OT hours are different thing. You can have a max of 40 Flexi hours before you are capped and you have to use them (maybe this is what you are referring to), but when you are in OT mode, the pot is unlimited. 

    But yeah, it doesn't solve it for sure but it does give you a tiny bit of leeway at least... and once you come out of crunch, it's nice to book a good amount of time off with some of the hours you saved up without having to dip into your day allowance each year.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Melazee said:
    your manager should be able to see your hours on the system if there is a concern about if you are doing your hours. But I do feel the dirty looks sting me as I leave after doing my hours because I'm one of the few who get up early enough to finish earlier haha. 

    it's not so much a problem of hours counted but potentially one of you being seen as not quite pulling your weight during work hours. there's also the case of impromptu meetings outside core hours so at times you might be out of the loop somewhat. depends a bit on if your leads and management are early birds or if they tend to stick around into the evening and if your place is generally more on the side of crunch.

    The second point, I don't think I've seen people being forced to use their OT hours. For us at least, Flexi hours and OT hours are different thing. You can have a max of 40 Flexi hours before you are capped and you have to use them (maybe this is what you are referring to), but when you are in OT mode, the pot is unlimited. 

    what i've seen is people accruing these hours in a flexi-time system and then being unable to spend them when they wanted to because of milestone planning, etc interfering. then having to rush to take e.g. december off with zero preparation because they couldn't take these days over into the new year. it was treated differently than regular holidays in this regard.

  • yukonwanderer
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    yukonwanderer polygon
    I think it's important to remember that this sort of thing is common in other industries as well.  At my landscape architecture firm we had deadlines to meet and often that required overtime. Some teams had to work long hours every day and come into the office every weekend during crunch time. At this firm we didn't get overtime but we did get bonuses at the end of the year.  There is always tension and office politics involved in this stuff - personally I was always of the opinion that if you need to get it done you need to get it done and nobody else should be worrying about the time you're putting in.  Petty jealousy, staying late for no reason than others are doing it, constantly monitoring other people's hours etc. is infinitely annoying to me. What should matter is the work being done, are you a productive member of the studio, do you help people when you can.

    Also we would have deadlines changed on us all the time because the client demanded it and had no idea how long things could take. It really wasnt always due to bad management. Not sure if it's the same in the game industry.
  • 0xffff
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    0xffff polycounter lvl 3
    Regarding full time, salaried positions, they were the norm for a long time, but the AAA games industry in the last 5-10 years has really began shifting more toward a business model of using a contract workforce and leveraging less expensive overseas outsource studios. This allows studios to scale their workforce up and down more easily, and with less associated cost. Full time, salaried positions still exist, but the impression I get is that they are in decline.

    I'll say that I've seen a bit of this, but at least in the UK it seems that studios are still predominantly (almost exclusively in most cases) hiring full-time, permanent, salaried positions.

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    the UK doesn't have a real industry hub, that's probably the main reason why. you can see this contract thing done excessively in london for film though, where it's all clustered around a few streets in soho.

    and @yukonwanderer
    there's nothing special about working conditions in the games industry as such. the difference is that it is considered/sold as a kind of dream job which causes some to crash pretty hard when they see their original expectations shattered. go in there expecting a job and you likely won't get bruised. still pretty fun overall. :)

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