Converting an OSNM from 3DSMAX to Tangent in XNormal gives strange results. I tried inverting Green Channel and even Red Channel. I Swapped Green for Blue, Red for Blue, Green for Red, but nothing works.
Can anyone bake an OSNM in 3dsmax and convert it successfully to Tangent space in XNormal? I really want to use 3dsmax since I have a custom baking script for adding shells and setting everything up.
Handplane worked well, but does not support UE4 4.7+
As far as I know Handplane doesn't support UE4 at all... Also I don't see the point of bothering with Handplane becuase you have like 6 other options for getting good results.
TorFrick uses the same approach for baking in MODO: Generate an Object Space NM in MODO and use XNormal to convert the OSNM to a Tangent normal map.
I am still really hoping for someone to know the answer on my original question. What is going wrong. Should I switch a R/G/B channel for an other R/G/B channel. Should I invert certain channels? Or should I do something different while baking. Some tips would be great. :-)
As for your original issue, I ran the same test as you last night and got the same results. No matter what I tried the conversion didn't work as expected. Maybe you should contact the dev? That tool might be bugged in 3.19