(legacy) dDo worked perfectly for me. DDO (pre 2.0) didn't work perfectly but I found ways around it. DDO (Suite 2.0) is a complete disaster from my perspective. I've never managed to get one of my meshes to load since the change to 3DO. I'm still having this issue with the 2.0 version of 3DO and now it seems to rely on this to generate the curvature and cavity maps. In fact on generation 3DO hangs and will not proceed until I kill the window.
The "base" option is gone in DDO(2.0) I used to use this to create the basic cavity maps and simple layers for my materials.
There is no way to turn off the gloss and normal layers from generating.
DDO(2.0) keeps turning my Photoshop on and off which is playing havoc with my Cintiq.
DDO(2.0) Keeps disabling function from my Cintiq (this is totally unacceptable as I rely on the Cintiq to work)
No Support for 3d mouse in the 3DO window.
3DO does not display the created layers on the cube mesh (as mentioned before it will not load my messes even a simple box).
There needs to be a "Straight" option in the "Export target" options.
3DO doesn't have an option to access network drives unless they are mapped.
I had the same issues because I did not have "add material" with the FBX file export in modo.
I'm a fan of dDo Legacy as well - I actually use it concurrently with dDo2.
Regarding your mesh loading issue - can you be specific on what's happening there?
Map generation in 3DO can fail due to a few reasons. One of them involves using an integrated GPU instead of a dedicated GPU. If you're on a laptop, be sure to switch to high-power mode and use your dedicated card for 3DO2.exe.
The base option being the "base" texture in dDoL? You can get something similar by using the legacy Smart Materials - search for Base Definition in the Smart Material browser, or use the "base" texture in dDoL and copy that mask into DynaMask. If you need help, let me know.
If you don't want gloss or normal maps, simply use the dDo menu --> Delete Active Map for the Normal and Gloss layers.
dDo and nDo will both minimize Photoshop as-needed to improve Photoshop's performance - I'm not sure how that could affect your Cintiq. Can you explain what's going on there?
How does dDo disable your Cintiq's functionality? Please let me know the specifics so I can forward this on to the developers on your behalf.
3D mice may require specific support in 3DO - please let us know which one you're using so we can look into it further.
Displaying textures on the default meshes requires calling your PSDs BaseMaterial [Albedo].psd - replace [Albedo] with [Gloss] or [Specular], etc. That should fix it.
Can you be specific as to what "straight" would define for an export target?
3DO uses Unity for its file browser - we're working on getting it to load up the Windows interface instead of the Unity interface. Sorry about the trouble!
Regarding Mesh loading. Well simply it fails to load the mesh. I have been reporting this since the change to 3DO (from the 3d window in legacy dDo). I am forced to use 3ds Max 8 for work. For some reason 3DO doesn't like meshes exported from this version as .obj files. I could get away without loading the mesh prior to DDO (2.0). However with the reliance on 3DO to generate some textures this is now back as a major issue.
I am using a desktop with (what was a couple of years ago ) a very good graphics card. I wouldn't be using the Cintiq on a laptop.
I do not see anything called base definition or Legacy smart materials in the "export to" menu. Only a list of I guess engines which it is to work for. I am not using any of these. I just need it to generate the Cavity, Curvature and base material layers without adding anything else. This is also what I mean by a "Straight" option.
Why can I not just disable the gloss and normal map generation as I was able to do in the previous version?.
I am not sure why the photoshop turning on and off is affecting my Cintiq. It simply doesn't seem to like it and after a few times of doing it all of the cintiq functionality stops working until I turn it off and on again. It stops the buttons, stylus and radials from responding. I used it in PS all day yesterday without issues until I started trying to work with DDO 2.
I use the 3d Connexion space navigator 3d mouse.
Ni idea what "Displaying textures on the default meshes requires calling your PSDs BaseMaterial [Albedo].psd - replace [Albedo] with [Gloss] or [Specular], etc. That should fix it." means. Its not a big issue if I can get my own meshes to work.
By "Straight" I mean simply create the materials layers plus cavity and curvature without trying to add any detail layers. This is how I liked to work in the Previous version. If I want detail layers (like dirt or smart materials) I will add them myself. As it is now I have to go into the materials layers and remove all the things I don't want.
May I ask what graphics card you're using?
The materials I'm referring to are in the Smart Material browser. They're not an export function. You have to add materials before you export using the SUITE. Curvature and cavity maps are not exported by the SUITE - but can be generated by 3DO and saved independently of texture output from the dDo exporter.
We currently only support profiles which define the types of map for a profile - we'll be adding the ability to define what maps you'd like to start with soon. This hasn't been implemented earlier because the majority of users need to work with export profiles, not individual maps.
These are my export settings. Same as I have been using since dDo Legacy first came out.
My Graphics card is a Nvidia GTX 960.
I have included the project I am working on here. For once its not confidential.
I am at a point where I really need to use this. Is there a way to roll back to the pre-2.0 version?.
What PS version are you using ?
Was 3DO able to load the mesh your end?.
Its not really part of a model at all. It is a dummy I'm using to create a part of a texture with. A more complex object will then be UV'd to this area.
The object-space, curvature, and gradient maps were baked by 3DO.
The issue appears to be localized to your computer. Are your drivers up-to-date? Have you attempted a clean install of both Photoshop and Quixel SUITE? We don't support versions of Quixel SUITE prior to SUITE 2.0 - SUITE 1.X is incompatible with the current version of the software, but Legacy will function.
You can add Ambient Occlusion from the Base Definition Smart Material (this can be searched using the Smart Material browser).
You can also create a new clean layer and set the DynaMask input to Ambient Occlusion from the Advanced menu, and then invert it to create proper AO after you've set your material reflectance to black.
You can also simply paste an AO map into your diffuse/albedo *.PSD.
If your materials aren't being auto-added, you may not be using the correct color swatches - please use Quixel Colors (installed in Quixel SUITE 2.0\colors\) with 3DS Max 2014 Extension 1 or greater, or Maya, and bake your color IDs using that tool - otherwise you can sample the color values from the swatches.FBX file located inside of *\Quixel SUITE 2.0\ and manually create a color ID map in the method you prefer.
You can also just add the materials you desire if your colors aren't auto-assigning materials. Right-click on a mesh group in 3DO and assign a material or a Smart Material to it.
It bogs down my system so badly that i need to reset.
Since this update i`m unable to work with ddo.
Very VERY disappointed.