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Runic pond - First try at handpainted scene

polycounter lvl 3
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dDissAa polycounter lvl 3

First time posting on here!

So I just finished a piece and it's my first try at hand painting a scene.
So to start off, it was really rough.
Tried to come up with an idea first sketch.

and the blockout.

I wasn't really getting the right vibe of it so, went back to the drawing board and came up with this.

Was alot happier with this, had much more feel to it and so it began :).

So this was the last screenshot befor I asked feedback from colleagues. Most of them already liked it, but still there was room for improvement!

So added small details like water rimples near the vegitation and a sunray. Which lits up the scene aswell as some runes carved into the stone.

So I made a scene in unreal and played a bit with materials to get a volumetric feel of the sunlight to add a bit more realism.

And now the only thing left to do was put it on sketchfab and share it to the world!


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