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Problem with rig in Maya Viewport 2.0

polycounter lvl 5
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joarwho polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys!
I've created a stretchy IK arm with utility nodes (when distance is longer than upper arm + lower arm. Translate X). Everything works fine until I add key frames on the IK handle. Then the IK joint-chain start behaving weird. I did however notice that the rig works perfectly fine in the Legacy viewport.

Rig in Viewport 2.0:

Rig in Legacy viewport:

Any idea how I can solve this? I would really appreciate your help. 

EDIT: I posted this thread in this category because I though it would be more likely for me to get help here. If a mod feel like this thread is better suited for Technical Talk, please feel free to move it.


  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    I've heard of issues like these before but never really a good solution. Maybe the driver's are causing the problem? It could actually just be a visual glitch and it won't affect the mesh, try binding a cylinder to it and see if it is affected. Not sure, but I've heard of people putting all the joints in a render layer and that sometimes fixed things. Haven't tried that though. Viewport 2.0 is known to do silly things, so maybe you should stick with legacy viewport.   
  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    I have had issues with Viewport 2.0 where all my joints just went bezerk when I moved the viewport, it was only a visual glitch but was hard to look at. As Mialx mentioned try legacy or High quality default. 
  • joarwho
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    joarwho polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for your replies guys! It wasn't a visual glitch after all. I attached the rig to a mesh, the problem was still there. I did however find a temporarily solution by changing evaluation mode from "Parallel" to "DG". And voila! I guess the problem has something to do with how I set up the utility nodes. I'm gonna try to troubleshoot the rig more thorough when I've have the time. 

    Edit: Wow, I feel stupid now. For anyone having similar problems; To enable the stretch I am using two locators, measuring the distance between the start joint and end joint. The problem was caused by the upper locator which was parented to the upper stretch joint. I solved this by simply parent the locator to another joint (outside the stretchy joint hierarchy). 
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