Hiya! I could of SWORN exporting my model out of 3ds Max that I unwrapped everthing, but apparently not as when I generate a Normal Map, the whole map is straight blue, and when I "Check UV", the whole map is red. So my question is, did I waste 3 hours on my work, or is there any way to give my model a UV map so it will generate my Normal Map properly for me, or do I have to redo the whole damn thing?

Can I use UV Master and that UV for my model I'm working with? Thanks y'all

You can always do a quick unwrap with UV Master though, to see if the problem indeed stems from the UVs or not. If you're working on a subdivided mesh hit "Work On Clone" from the UV Master menu. It will generate a mesh without subdivisions. Then "Unwrap" and "Copy" and "Paste" the UVs back onto your subdivided mesh before baking the normal map.
@derrazputin , No, I've simply imported my mesh and got straight to work on it. And For some strange reason I don't have UV Master ;{
@cryrid , Here are my UV's https://gyazo.com/023d1de56c7ea377665e8f5152c45b64 and here is what I've made in ZBrush (this is my first zbrush thing ever, please don't laugh
When I opened my walls back up in Max, it didn't have the unwrap modifier on it, but I think I've exported it with the modifier on. Does this change anything, or I guess I really didn't export it with that modifier on? And can anybody perhaps give some other tips as to how to make mud walls like these (which is what I was trying to make above) https://gyazo.com/42bdaef650618d71df010e849448387b ? Thanks!