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Switching jobs

polycounter lvl 10
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luck6 polycounter lvl 10
Hi you guys,

I'm a 3d look dev\modeler\texture\comp artist at a small 3d animation company in the Netherlands. I am responsible for the whole look of most of the products that we worked on for the last 3 years and i do most of the modeling too. In the 4 years of working there I learned alot and got lots of oppertunities to get experience in the work field. I have really enjoyed my time working there. But recently i was thinking about switching jobs because of financial reasons. 
The problem I am facing is the focus of my portfolio. Because I have been working on almost everything in the lookdev department, there isn't a real focus in my work. I fear that people will think that I don't really have a place in their company because of this reason. I was wondering if people from the industry could give me some advise on my portfolio. Tell me how I stack up or what I should change to have better chances. 

Thanks for your time,



  • aaronmwolford
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    aaronmwolford polycounter lvl 8
    You would probably have better luck if you posted this under the 3D Art Showcase forum. This really doesn't belong under this discussion thread. That said you have some cool work. I agree that you don't really have a focused discipline, but there can be a place for generalists in the industry. That said what do you enjoy doing? Character, environment or prop work? I would pick one and then focus your attention on that area. 

    Also quantity isn't necessarily a good thing. It can be better to have fewer pieces that really showcase your talent. The grey/red character detracts from your portfolio in my opinion. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Moved the thread from General Discussion to 3D Showcase. 

    I used to be more of a generalist, but in the last few years I've focused on environments. So there's definitely market for generalists, usually in smaller companies though. The larger the head count, the more specialized the roles.
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    thanks for the constructive feedback. Which gray red character are you talking about? Do you mean the more cartoonish guy? Personly I dont really like the character my self. But it has played in a big video clip. So I thought it may help if people regonize it. But if it is my weakest work i think its best to remove it.
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    I have been thinking about it...... What I really like in my work is making finished illustrations. So making the whole plate from design till finish art work. But I dont think I would get any jobs with that. My gut says I should focus on modeling. Show off more of the wires in clay renders.
  • aaronmwolford
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    aaronmwolford polycounter lvl 8
    Yea the stylized character. I think you answered your own question. If you don't like it then I would remove it. Only show your best work. A weak piece, regardless of the rest of the portfolio, will stand out to the employer. More break down shots such as wires, clay renders, and texture maps will go along way if you're looking to get a job in the games industry. 
  • luck6
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    luck6 polycounter lvl 10
    Alright! It took me a day but I finally got it done. I have a new version online now. I took the advise of everyone and did a small redesign of the whole website.
    Things I improved are...

    Better layout at the homepage.
    Blog separate.
    Every mayor piece now has his own page with text about the piece.

    I hope these changes help me in the search for a new job. Thanks for the help.
    And if any of you guys has any last feedback than dont be afraid to comment them back to me.
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