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Final Year Project one

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ShankerX null


Currently working on an environment showcasing a sci-fi based environment utilizing PBR for materials and imported into the Unreal Engine 4. I was just wondering if the peeps could give some criticism as to how it looks plus any potential ways to improve art development skills! Also I was testing modular building additionally normal map baking also O_O..... Thank you!! 


  • Luxap
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    Luxap polycounter lvl 6
    Looking good man!
    The only thing I can see on first sight is that the geometry could be a little more detailed than is now, a good blend between normal map and geometry that supports the normal map is best in my opinion.

    Also I think you used NDO for the normal map creation? as i see jagged lines on the the ceiling fan.
    so you need to watch out that when you create normals that the Uvs are mapped straight to dodge this issue :D

    I would reduce the normal maps on the floor of the first screenshot, or add some supporting geometry.

    Maybe you could add some wireframes so we can have a look there? 

    Anyways, looking good man, keep improving and keep it coming :D
  • Madwish
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    Madwish polycounter lvl 6
    Good stuff!

    Overall, I think your second piece works a lot more because you mix detailed areas and resting areas for the eye. In your first shot, everything is super noisy. The ground, the walls and the ceiling are all extremely detailed, and they all have the same tone. The result is that it doesn't exist anymore, it just becomes noise and people don't see the details, they're just annoyed by something even if they can't define what it is. I would personally try to simplify the ground a lot (at least the middle section, maybe just keep the details on the sides), and try to simplify/change the tone of the ceiling.

    The second shot works a lot better thanks to those resting areas. I'm not sure why there's a second flying blue sphere though? For this one, I think if you have the time the scene would benefit immensely from some work on the VFX. Turn that table and sphere into some nice looking hologram, and you'll have a winner.
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