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The Paper Forest - UE4 Learning Game.

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Ewout null

Hello Everyone.

I have decided to make a little GameProject to improve and learn more about working in Unreal, especially Note based programming and animation (it gives me also an opportunity to practice my rigging an low poly modelling ;) ).

This little Project will be completed in the next few months. Any feedback Is highly appreciated.

This week I concept the game, thinking about a nice story and the kind of gameplay.

I always greatly value an nice story in every game and this project gives the perfect opportunity to make a nice little one :) .

The Game occurs in a fantastical forest world, all characters and environment is made of Paper. You are a hedgehog in this forest and lives a happy life. But all is in danger, a big Plague is haunting the inhabitants of the woods. Infected animals turn into soulless shells aimless wandering around. Elder fox will tell you to go and find the origin of the plague. It will be up to you, it’s your choice to kill or free the infected. But each have their own consequences. Will you be able to save the forest and the inhabitants?


Basic gameplay will resemble a Roguelike First-person. Chose will be imported giving the player options to Paint them (Colouring back, saving their souls) or Burn them (Killing them). These are the same kind of melee attacks.

Throughout the game the player will find ranged Element attacks.

Each option will give the player another (but comparable storyline) with a whole other ending.


Underneath there is a fist outline/ game mock-up, as well some thinking notes of my concept.


Feedback is always Welkom!  Hope you enjoy making my progress over the following months.

Ewout ;)

Update 1, after weeks of working and some absence du to migrane i have finished a bulk of more updates. 

more specific the enemie and player movement (underneath you will find some pictures of the prosess.

the enemie itself is small and specific, it folows the player, wile spawing if the player is withing a surtan range. 

the player itself animations are finished model itself is still temporery. 

the player has a dead and respawn aswel as checkpoints. 

if anyone has any feedback i be happy to hear!

Update 2, 

this week i worked on some effects and a gold pickup.  i changed and made it more redable. 

update 3,  while having fallen ill over the past week again i finaly managed to get some work done with the models.  i will continue working on these over the next week and try to finish them all.

Update 4, Final level done now, the exam is drawing closer and i needed to cut quite some edges, making the game overall smaller and less for myself complecated. 

Any Feedback on the models and look of the level? 

hope you guys like it, any questions send my way ;)

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