Hi Polycount users
I have some basic baking problems, maybe someone can help me out here.
I have a very simple baisc mesh, 1. LP 2.HP 3.Cage, everyhing is created and looks the way it should.
But for some reasons i can't smooth my hard edges on my LP the way it looks on the HP. After baking the normal map in Substance Designer there is like no effect, it's like i'm looking on my LP without any normal map "same result with the Max bake". The Normal map itself looks also like there is almost nothing baked down.
All hard edges are splited up and have they're own uv shell and smoothing group. The curved mesh is the HP mesh, than LP and the last one is the Cage. Is there anything wrong with this setup ?
Here is another test of mine which has the same issue. Maybe you or someone else here could take a look.
HP = red mesh
LP = yellow lines
Cage = not shown but it is slightly bigger than the LP mesh
I tried with your cage, and my own cage. I got more or less the same results for each.
I had to bump way up the resolution of the bake, the way the UVs were, before I could see the normal map's work well. This is an 8192x8192 map.
To make the cage, I duplicated the mesh, softened all the normals, and expanded it. And I didn't have any trouble with that. Could just be a texture resolution thing?
Maybe It's a stupid question but does it matter how many smoothing groups the HP mesh has ? or should i always reset all smoothing groups and set it to one ?
EDIT: I changed all the smoothings groups to one on the HP, now the bake looks good. Is this the way to go ? i never read before that i have to set all smoothigns group to one on the HP ?
I forgot to mention, I used Maya. But it shouldn't make a difference, I don't believe.
Here's an updated FBX, after I exported: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nu07xmhlo2mq9p/ReUploadedMeshes.fbx?dl=0
Just to clarify, to cover all the bases, but you were baking with the turbosmoothed mesh, right?
By the way, i do my bakes in Substance Designer, but i got the same baking result in max.
just frogot to write, thank you very much for your help!