Hi guys, i am wondering if there is a way to line up the texture on two different objects using the same tiling texture so the seems wont be visible, not sure not to do this but see the attached
would be good if there was a say visual way to line up the textures, i think a solution for me will be to put in a dot somewhere so i can use it as a reference to line up the textures and then delete it later
the uv shell of the second object just needs to start where the otherone ends (or with an exact offset of 1 or 1/repetitions in v of your texture). so align them and you are done.
You mentioned you were creating a building in another thread I replied to, so assume this is a building facade - first make sure all your vertices are welded. Then select all the polygonal faces that are using your brick material on that axis plane, do a planar UV unwrap, and scale as desired.
i figured another way to do it, what i do is i add seems where i want the texture to break then i break the texture and mirror it in the uv editor and as long as the vertices are close it hides all seems