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Change camera animation curves in 3DO?

polycounter lvl 4
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NinjaJoehenes48 polycounter lvl 4
Hi, I was trying to get some good camera shots in 3DO. however there's a problem I've come across. From what I've seen, camera shots seem limited by the way the camera moves and by the animation curves. I wanted to have a shot that showed the front of the object in a 3/4 view that then went around and showed more of a side view. This would require at least 3 camera keyframes because otherwise the object gets cut out of the frame when it transitions from the first to the second. The problem is that the curve is slow in and out for every keyeframe. So it slows down when it gets to the second keyframe then speeds up again toward the third. Is it possible to change the curves of keyframes currently? 

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. 

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