I'm new here so first of all: Hi Polycount! I'm John!

This is my latest piece after incoporating 3D in my workflow. I made a bunch of mistakes but I learned a lot in the process, would love to get some critique on this so I can keep improving! I know the lighting and values could have been a lot better.

Thanks, have a great day!

But I mean, as a concept it gets the point across just fine.
I was going to stick to that comp, but after getting some WIP critiques from people I decided to change it based on that. I definitely struggled with that part of the image, but I learned a ton from it. Thanks again for the reply!
Sorry for the late reply. Noted, yeah some parts (especially the left side) feel way too flat. Thanks for the reply!
Hey Miguel, thanks for the reply! And sorry for the late reply to you too. The left side is a disaster, I know, haha. I struggled really hard with that and definitely got stuck on it, I was thinking about starting over but I liked the rest of the image so in the end I just decided I had to let it go and call it finished. I learn a lot from messing up like that though! "A little to much detail" That's putting it lightly haha. The detail control is really bad, I think a lot more about detail control now and not oversaturating with repeated textures etc. as well as creating more interesting break-ups. Thanks again for the reply!