I am not really sure what is happening. I feel like I am missing some
vital part of the pipeline/something ridiculous is being overlooked.
I paint in Photoshop. Feel pretty happy with what I have done so far,
nice crisp sharp lines and I export it to my model in Unreal to check
out what it looks like. The result looks terrible. The colours are not
even the same, they are washed out and blurred and there is no longer
any of the definition I had created.
What am I doing wrong?
> Created low Poly model
> Exported UV Template
> Painting details in Photoshop
> Saving file as psd, jpeg, targa, everything under the sun
> Importing Model to Unreal
> Creating a New material
> Importing the Albedo Painted texture
> Plugging the Albedo Texture into the Basic Colour material
> Apply to model
> Realise it looks like absolute crap and cry
Am I missing something?
2. It might be the sRGB.
3. You might want unlit or partially unlit material...